Bulk Chicken Booking Service


1Where can I get more information?
Please call our Poultry Marketing Division at 0194-2455369 ext 142 or 9596544244 if you have any instant query! You could also mail us at [email protected]
2What kind of chicken are these?
These are locally reared, wholesome, disease-free broiler chicken. They are slaughtered and dressed hygienically under supervision of qualified veterinarians.
3What farms are these birds sourced from?
The birds are sourced from farms registered with the department and reared under general supervision of its Poultry Development Wing. To see some of the farms please visit our virtual poultry mandi at www.poultrymandi.in
Please use this form to place a booking for dressed broiler chicken. Please ensure you fill in appropriate and complete information so that we can understand your needs better.