National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) 2.0 APP has been designed as an android based mobile application for capturing of Animal disease, including fish disease information in terms of First Information Report(FIR), Daily Incidence (DI) cases and Vaccination coverage from the Block Veterinary Officers with validation by District Veterinary Officers and State Veterinary.
The major objectives of NADRS 2.0 are:
Identify and document diseases existing in the country;
Determine the level and location of diseases;
Determine the importance of different diseases;
Set priorities for the use of resources for disease control activities;
Plan, implement and monitor disease control programs;
Respond to disease outbreak;
Meet reporting requirements of international organizations;
Demonstrate disease status to trading partners.
This page hosts app related material and assistance. We have endeavored to make the page as simple and useful as possible, in case of any further query please contact on 0194-2455369 (ext. 117/140/154)